Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering


IMDb is the world’s most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows.

Data Source: IMDB Movies Dataset



  • Perform Feature Engineering, clean, wraggling and tidy then save the new dataset in a .csv file. The new file will be use in machine learning model, KNN and Decision Tree.

Data Dictionary:

  • Poster_Link – Link of the poster that imdb using
  • Series_Title = Name of the movie
  • Released_Year – Year at which that movie released
  • Certificate – Certificate earned by that movie
  • Runtime – Total runtime of the movie
  • Genre – Genre of the movie
  • IMDB_Rating – Rating of the movie at IMDB site
  • Overview – mini story/ summary
  • Meta_score – Score earned by the movie
  • Director – Name of the Director
  • Star1,Star2,Star3,Star4 – Name of the Stars
  • Noofvotes – Total number of votes
  • Gross – Money earned by that movie

Feature Engineering


  1. Import Packages and Load Data
  2. Converting to Appropriate Data Types
  3. Check for Null Values (Nan and zero value, impute if necessary)
  4. Outliers (impute if necessary)
  5. Conclusion

1. Import Packages and Load Data

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import warnings

C:\Users\Toto\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\__init__.py:146: UserWarning: A NumPy version >=1.16.5 and <1.23.0 is required for this version of SciPy (detected version 1.23.1
  warnings.warn(f"A NumPy version >={np_minversion} and <{np_maxversion}"

Show initial dataset

In [2]:
# define training points and training labels
df = pd.read_csv('imdb_top_1000.csv')
(1000, 16)
Poster_Link Series_Title Released_Year Certificate Runtime Genre IMDB_Rating Overview Meta_score Director Star1 Star2 Star3 Star4 No_of_Votes Gross
0 https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDFkYT… The Shawshank Redemption 1994 A 142 min Drama 9.3 Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years… 80.0 Frank Darabont Tim Robbins Morgan Freeman Bob Gunton William Sadler 2343110 28,341,469
1 https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BM2MyNj… The Godfather 1972 A 175 min Crime, Drama 9.2 An organized crime dynasty’s aging patriarch t… 100.0 Francis Ford Coppola Marlon Brando Al Pacino James Caan Diane Keaton 1620367 134,966,411
In [3]:
# Inpsecting columns
Index(['Poster_Link', 'Series_Title', 'Released_Year', 'Certificate',
       'Runtime', 'Genre', 'IMDB_Rating', 'Overview', 'Meta_score', 'Director',
       'Star1', 'Star2', 'Star3', 'Star4', 'No_of_Votes', 'Gross'],

Drop unnecessary columns

In [4]:
df = df.drop(columns=['Poster_Link', 'Overview'])

2. Converting to Appropriate Data Types

In [5]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
Data columns (total 14 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   Series_Title   1000 non-null   object 
 1   Released_Year  1000 non-null   object 
 2   Certificate    899 non-null    object 
 3   Runtime        1000 non-null   object 
 4   Genre          1000 non-null   object 
 5   IMDB_Rating    1000 non-null   float64
 6   Meta_score     843 non-null    float64
 7   Director       1000 non-null   object 
 8   Star1          1000 non-null   object 
 9   Star2          1000 non-null   object 
 10  Star3          1000 non-null   object 
 11  Star4          1000 non-null   object 
 12  No_of_Votes    1000 non-null   int64  
 13  Gross          831 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(11)
memory usage: 109.5+ KB

We will convert the Released_Year, Runtime, and Gross to integer data types.

Released_Year to Integer

In [6]:
# showing the string in 'Release_Year'
array(['1994', '1972', '2008', '1974', '1957', '2003', '1993', '2010',
       '1999', '2001', '1966', '2002', '1990', '1980', '1975', '2020',
       '2019', '2014', '1998', '1997', '1995', '1991', '1977', '1962',
       '1954', '1946', '2011', '2006', '2000', '1988', '1985', '1968',
       '1960', '1942', '1936', '1931', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2012',
       '2009', '2007', '1984', '1981', '1979', '1971', '1963', '1964',
       '1950', '1940', '2013', '2005', '2004', '1992', '1987', '1986',
       '1983', '1976', '1973', '1965', '1959', '1958', '1952', '1948',
       '1944', '1941', '1927', '1921', '2015', '1996', '1989', '1978',
       '1961', '1955', '1953', '1925', '1924', '1982', '1967', '1951',
       '1949', '1939', '1937', '1934', '1928', '1926', '1920', '1970',
       '1969', '1956', '1947', '1945', '1930', '1938', '1935', '1933',
       '1932', '1922', '1943', 'PG'], dtype=object)

Since only 1 row have missing value, let’s look at it. We need to convert this ‘PG’ to an integer data type.

In [7]:
# Show detailed information
Series_Title Released_Year Certificate Runtime Genre IMDB_Rating Meta_score Director Star1 Star2 Star3 Star4 No_of_Votes Gross
966 Apollo 13 PG U 140 min Adventure, Drama, History 7.6 77.0 Ron Howard Tom Hanks Bill Paxton Kevin Bacon Gary Sinise 269197 173,837,933

After conducting a reseach about the Apollo 13 movie. We found out that the release date was November 15, 1995. We will replace PG with the year 1995.

In [8]:
# replce 'PG' with 1995 and convert to integer
df['Released_Year'] = df['Released_Year'].replace(['PG'] , 1995).astype(int)
Series_Title Released_Year Certificate Runtime Genre IMDB_Rating Meta_score Director Star1 Star2 Star3 Star4 No_of_Votes Gross
966 Apollo 13 1995 U 140 min Adventure, Drama, History 7.6 77.0 Ron Howard Tom Hanks Bill Paxton Kevin Bacon Gary Sinise 269197 173,837,933

Runtime to Integer

In [9]:
array(['142 min', '175 min', '152 min', '202 min', '96 min', '201 min',
       '154 min', '195 min', '148 min', '139 min'], dtype=object)

Before converting to integer, we need to split the observations and remove the string keyword ‘min’.

In [10]:
# remove 'min' keyword and convert to int.
df['Runtime'] = df['Runtime'].str.rstrip('min').astype('int')

Gross to Integer

In [11]:
# Remove comma
df['Gross'] = df['Gross'].str.replace(',', '').astype('float')

Final checking for datatypes

In [12]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
Data columns (total 14 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   Series_Title   1000 non-null   object 
 1   Released_Year  1000 non-null   int32  
 2   Certificate    899 non-null    object 
 3   Runtime        1000 non-null   int32  
 4   Genre          1000 non-null   object 
 5   IMDB_Rating    1000 non-null   float64
 6   Meta_score     843 non-null    float64
 7   Director       1000 non-null   object 
 8   Star1          1000 non-null   object 
 9   Star2          1000 non-null   object 
 10  Star3          1000 non-null   object 
 11  Star4          1000 non-null   object 
 12  No_of_Votes    1000 non-null   int64  
 13  Gross          831 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(3), int32(2), int64(1), object(8)
memory usage: 101.7+ KB

3. Check for Null Values

In [13]:
Series_Title       0
Released_Year      0
Certificate      101
Runtime            0
Genre              0
IMDB_Rating        0
Meta_score       157
Director           0
Star1              0
Star2              0
Star3              0
Star4              0
No_of_Votes        0
Gross            169
dtype: int64

We have null values in Certificate, Meta_score, and Gross columns let’s check and convert these null to an aggregate value.

Certificate null values

Note: Certicates are movies restriction for audinece:

  • U is unrestricted, suitable for anyone
  • A adult only, indicate films high in violence or mature content that should not be marketed to teenagers
In [14]:
# unique values
array(['A', 'UA', 'U', 'PG-13', 'R', nan, 'PG', 'G', 'Passed', 'TV-14',
       '16', 'TV-MA', 'Unrated', 'GP', 'Approved', 'TV-PG', 'U/A'],

Since we dont know the certificate of these movies and we dont want to replace it with the most occurence value, we will just tag this as Unrated. Maybe it’s null because these movies are not rated yet. Some further investegation is needed for this scenario.

In [15]:
# Replace nan with 'Unrated'
df.Certificate = df.Certificate.fillna('Unrated')

Meta_score null values

In [16]:
array([ 80., 100.,  84.,  90.,  96.,  94.,  74.,  66.,  92.,  82.,  87.,
        73.,  83.,  nan,  79.,  91.,  61.,  59.,  65.,  85.,  98.,  89.,
        88.,  57.,  67.,  62.,  77.,  64.,  75.,  97.,  99.,  78.,  68.,
        81.,  95.,  76.,  69.,  55.,  70.,  58.,  86.,  71.,  63.,  93.,
        72.,  60.,  47.,  49.,  50.,  33.,  54.,  56.,  51.,  53.,  48.,
        44.,  45.,  40.,  52.,  28.,  36.,  46.,  30.,  41.])

There are 157 nan values in our Meta_score. We can replace this by it’s median or mean. For now let’s replace it with the mean value.

In [17]:
df.Meta_score = round(df.Meta_score.fillna((df.Meta_score.mean())))
In [18]:
array([ 80., 100.,  84.,  90.,  96.,  94.,  74.,  66.,  92.,  82.,  87.,
        73.,  83.,  78.,  79.,  91.,  61.,  59.,  65.,  85.,  98.,  89.,
        88.,  57.,  67.,  62.,  77.,  64.,  75.,  97.,  99.,  68.,  81.,
        95.,  76.,  69.,  55.,  70.,  58.,  86.,  71.,  63.,  93.,  72.,
        60.,  47.,  49.,  50.,  33.,  54.,  56.,  51.,  53.,  48.,  44.,
        45.,  40.,  52.,  28.,  36.,  46.,  30.,  41.])

Gross null values

There are 169 null values in Gross. With our general knowledge we know that ‘gross’ is an important feature and we can’t safely delete rows with null value that are more than 5%.

We have two methods we can apply to replace this null;

  1. Replace with the mean value of our total Gross.
  2. Replace with some aggregated value. In this case the mean of it’s belong category in IMDB_Rating.

We have both codes below, but since we are preaparing this dataset for KNN classification, it’s better to replace it with method number 2.

In [19]:
# # Replace Nan with zero
df['Gross'].fillna(0, inplace = True)

# # Change type to int
df['Gross'] = df['Gross'].astype(int)

# Method 2
# # Repalce zero with Gross mean
# df['Gross'] = df['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(df.Gross))

I know my code for this is super messy, bear with it for now so we can proceed with our analysis. We will replace this code in the near future.. 😉

In [20]:
# Method 2
# Subsets by IMDB_Rating
# Replace zero gross value by its IMDB Rating mean

s76 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['7.6'])]
s76['Gross'] =  s76['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s76.Gross))

s77 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['7.7'])]
s77['Gross'] =  s77['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s77.Gross))

s78 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['7.8'])]
s78['Gross'] =  s78['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s78.Gross))

s79 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['7.9'])]
s79['Gross'] =  s79['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s79.Gross))

s80 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.0'])]
s80['Gross'] =  s80['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s80.Gross))

s81 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.1'])]
s81['Gross'] =  s81['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s81.Gross))

s82 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.2'])]
s82['Gross'] =  s82['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s82.Gross))

s83 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.3'])]
s83['Gross'] =  s83['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s83.Gross))

s84 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.4'])]
s84['Gross'] =  s84['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s84.Gross))

s85 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.5'])]
s85['Gross'] =  s85['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s85.Gross))

s86 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.6'])]
s86['Gross'] =  s86['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s86.Gross))

s87 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.7'])]
s87['Gross'] =  s87['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s87.Gross))

s88 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.8'])]
s88['Gross'] =  s88['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s88.Gross))

s89 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['8.9'])]
s89['Gross'] =  s89['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s89.Gross))

s90 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['9.0'])]
s90['Gross'] =  s90['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s90.Gross))

s92 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['9.2'])]
s92['Gross'] =  s92['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s92.Gross))

s93 = df[df['IMDB_Rating'].isin(['9.3'])]
s93['Gross'] =  s93['Gross'].replace([0], np.mean(s93.Gross))   

Saving our new dataset to a new variable df_new

In [21]:
# concatenate all subsets
df_new = pd.concat([s76,s77,s78,s79,s80,s81,s82,s83,s84,s85,s86,s87,s88,s89,s90,s92,s93], ignore_index=True, axis=0)
(1000, 14)

Show information of our new dataframe

In [22]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
Data columns (total 14 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   Series_Title   1000 non-null   object 
 1   Released_Year  1000 non-null   int32  
 2   Certificate    1000 non-null   object 
 3   Runtime        1000 non-null   int32  
 4   Genre          1000 non-null   object 
 5   IMDB_Rating    1000 non-null   float64
 6   Meta_score     1000 non-null   float64
 7   Director       1000 non-null   object 
 8   Star1          1000 non-null   object 
 9   Star2          1000 non-null   object 
 10  Star3          1000 non-null   object 
 11  Star4          1000 non-null   object 
 12  No_of_Votes    1000 non-null   int64  
 13  Gross          1000 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(3), int32(2), int64(1), object(8)
memory usage: 101.7+ KB

Check for duplicates

In [23]:
#count duplicates
print(f'Number of duplicates: {df.duplicated().sum()}')
Number of duplicates: 0

Our new dataset is almost ready, one final step is to check for the outliers.

4. Outliers

There’s a lot of technique on how to identify the outliers, However the hardest part is the decision making on what to do with them. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward “best” solution for dealing with outliers “NO Free Lunch” because it depends on the severity of outliers and the goals of the analysis.

Remember, sometimes leaving out the outliers in the data is acceptable and other times they can negatively impact analysis and modeling so they should be dealt with by feature engineering. It all depends on the goals of the analysis and the severity of the outliers.

In [24]:
#define functions
def showoutliers(df, column_name = ""):
        iqr = df[column_name].quantile(.75) - df[column_name].quantile(.25)
        # lower whisker
        lowerbound = (df[column_name].quantile(.25)) - iqr * 1.5 
        # upper whisker
        upperbound = (df[column_name].quantile(.75)) + iqr * 1.5
        # datapoints beyond lower whisker
        lowerbound_outliers = df[df[column_name] < lowerbound]
        # adtapoint beyond upper whisker
        higherbound_outliers = df[df[column_name] > upperbound]
        # outliers
        outliers = pd.concat([lowerbound_outliers,higherbound_outliers])
        return outliers
def countoutliers(df, column_name = ""):
        iqr = df[column_name].quantile(.75) - df[column_name].quantile(.25)
        lowerbound = (df[column_name].quantile(.25)) - iqr * 1.5
        upperbound = (df[column_name].quantile(.75)) + iqr * 1.5
        lowerbound_outliers = df[df[column_name] < lowerbound]
        higherbound_outliers = df[df[column_name] > upperbound]
        outliers = pd.concat([lowerbound_outliers,higherbound_outliers])
        count = len(outliers)
        return {column_name : count}
def Replace_Outliers(df_name, value, column_name = ""):
    iqr = df_name[column_name].quantile(.75) - df_name[column_name].quantile(.25)
    lowerbound = (df_name[column_name].quantile(.25)) - iqr * 1.5
    upperbound = (df_name[column_name].quantile(.75)) + iqr * 1.5
    df_name[column_name] = np.where(df_name[column_name] > upperbound, value, df_name[column_name])
    df_name[column_name] = np.where(df_name[column_name] < lowerbound, value, df_name[column_name])
In [25]:
# create a dataset with only numeric values
df_n = df_new.select_dtypes(include=np.number)

Number of ouliers per column

In [26]:
column_list = df_n.columns
column_list = np.array(column_list)
for i in column_list:
    print (countoutliers(df_n, i))
{'Released_Year': 7}
{'Runtime': 29}
{'IMDB_Rating': 13}
{'Meta_score': 31}
{'No_of_Votes': 67}
{'Gross': 116}

Outliers percentage

We likely to replace outliers that have very low proportion in our data set

In [28]:
for i in column_list:
    col = i
    perc = countoutliers(df_n, i)[i] / len(df_n)
    print (col + ': ' + str('{:.2f}'.format(perc*100)) + '%') 
Released_Year: 0.70%
Runtime: 2.90%
IMDB_Rating: 1.30%
Meta_score: 3.10%
No_of_Votes: 6.70%
Gross: 11.60%

Visualize outliers in boxplot

In [29]:
          figsize=(20, 7))
# increase spacing between subplots

Summary Statistic

In [30]:
Released_Year Runtime IMDB_Rating Meta_score No_of_Votes Gross
count 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1.000000e+03 1.000000e+03
mean 1991.221000 122.891000 7.949300 77.976000 2.736929e+05 6.556885e+07
std 23.285669 28.093671 0.275491 11.362065 3.273727e+05 1.003734e+08
min 1920.000000 45.000000 7.600000 28.000000 2.508800e+04 1.305000e+03
25% 1976.000000 103.000000 7.700000 72.000000 5.552625e+04 5.012919e+06
50% 1999.000000 119.000000 7.900000 78.000000 1.385485e+05 3.767117e+07
75% 2009.000000 137.000000 8.100000 85.250000 3.741612e+05 6.806557e+07
max 2020.000000 321.000000 9.300000 100.000000 2.343110e+06 9.366622e+08

Now that we have all the outliers necessary details and since we were preparing this dataset for our machine learning model, we will replace outliers with some value:

  • Released_Year: replace with 25 percentile
  • Runtime: retain
  • IMDB_Rating: retain
  • Meta_score: retain
  • No_of_Votes: retain
  • Gross: retain

Release_Year Outliers

In [31]:
# replace released year outliers with 25 percentile

# uncomment for changing outliers for other columns
# Replace_Outliers(df_new, 119, 'Runtime')
# Replace_Outliers(df_new, 7.9, 'IMDB_Rating')
# Replace_Outliers(df_new, 78, 'Meta_score')
# Replace_Outliers(df_new, df_new.No_of_Votes.mean(), 'No_of_Votes')
# Replace_Outliers(df_new, df_new.Gross.mean(), 'Gross')

Correlations Before and After Replacing Outliers Value

In [32]:
# Using df_n
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) 
corr_matrix = df_n.corr(method='pearson')
sns.heatmap(corr_matrix, annot=True)

# # Using df_new
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) 
corr_matrix = df_new.corr(method='pearson')
sns.heatmap(corr_matrix, annot=True)

Replacing all outliers has negative impact in correlation, so we decided to leave most our data as is.

Saving our new df_new dataset in .csv file

In [ ]:
# df_new.to_csv("imdb_top_1000_clean.csv")
In [36]:
# show cleaned dataset
df_clean = pd.read_csv('imdb_top_1000_clean.csv')
Unnamed: 0 Series_Title Released_Year Certificate Runtime Genre IMDB_Rating Meta_score Director Star1 Star2 Star3 Star4 No_of_Votes Gross
0 0 Dark Waters 2019.0 PG-13 126 Biography, Drama, History 7.6 73.0 Todd Haynes Mark Ruffalo Anne Hathaway Tim Robbins Bill Pullman 60408 6.212517e+07
1 1 Searching 2018.0 U/A 102 Drama, Mystery, Thriller 7.6 71.0 Aneesh Chaganty John Cho Debra Messing Joseph Lee Michelle La 140840 2.602096e+07
2 2 Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood 2019.0 A 161 Comedy, Drama 7.6 83.0 Quentin Tarantino Leonardo DiCaprio Brad Pitt Margot Robbie Emile Hirsch 551309 1.425027e+08

5. Conclusion

The focus of this analysis is to prepare our dataset for machine learning model. We have done the following:

  1. We have convert wrong data type columns to appropriate type.
  2. Impute null values
  3. impute outliers

Now we have a clean dataset saved as imdb_top_1000_clean.csv. We can now start our analysis, univariate, bivariate, multivariate, feature selection and build a machine learning model.


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