Naive Bayes

Naive Bayes. Classification

Naive Bayes Classification

Naive Bayes is one of the most common ML algorithms that is often used for the purpose of text classification


My sister is working as a chat support in a BPO company, she handle a certain product and incharge of maintaining it’s social media comment and reviews. I will take this oppurnity to demonstrate how Naive Bayes classification works in a text files.

In this project we will predict wethear a certain message is a ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Surely we can predict it manually but let say we have 100 messages per day or 1000, how about 5000? can we still filter messages manually? Do we need additional manpower?

Rather than reading thousands of messages, comments, reviews or tweets about the product, we could feed those documents into the Naive Bayes classifier and instantly find out how many are positive and how many are negative.

To do this, we will first need to train a model. Technicaly counting every words in each category (positive and negative). Let’s assume that we are given a training dataset which looks like something below.

Training Samples


Prior Probability

Probability of being Positive and Negative.

In [ ]:
# positive label = 2
# negative label = 1
# total training sample = 3

# since we have a very small training sample lets plug in values directly
# prior probability of positive label
p_p = 2/3

# prior probability of negative label
p_n = 1/3

Bag of Words

Count of appearance of each words per label(Positive / Negative).


Test Sample Comment

Comments will be cleaned, convert to lowercase, remove unnecessary, word and punctuations.

  • ‘buy it!, loved it ;)’ –> buy loved

Notice that our formula from above table doesnt fit the equation below. Thats because we add extra 1 count to every words to avoid zero probability.

In [ ]:
# Note: we add 1 to every words 

# probability of 'buy' given 'positive'...
# p(buy|positive)
p_buy_positive = 2/21
# probability of 'loved' given 'positive'...
p_loved_positive = 5/21
# probability for negative
p_buy_negative = 2/18
p_loved_negative = 1/18


Probabilities of Positive Given ‘buy loved’

In [ ]:
# plug in values
# p(positive| buy loved)
p_positive_buy_loved = p_p * p_buy_positive * p_loved_positive

Probability of being negative Given ‘buy loved’

In [ ]:
# p(negative| buy loved)
p_negative_buy_loved = p_n * p_buy_negative * p_loved_negative

Since we got higher probability of being positive, our test sample buy it!, loved it ;) is a positive.

What if we got some words in our that doesnt exist yet in our bag of words?

Test sample2 = stupid product!

  • That new words need to be labeled first as positive or negative then put that in our bags of words for future reference.Let say the word stupid labeled as negative.

image.png image-3.png

p (positve | stupid product)

In [ ]:
p_stupid_positive = 1/22
p_product_positive = 2/22
# probability of positive given stupid product
# 2/4 is the updated probability of positive p(P)
p_positive_stupid_product = (2/4) * p_stupid_positive * p_product_positive

p (negative | stupid product)

In [ ]:
p_stupid_negative = 2/21
p_product_negative = 3/21
p_negative_stupid_product = (2/4) * p_stupid_negative * p_product_negative

Our model correctly labeled our new sample as negative.

Sklean Implementation

First we will do the Naive Bayes classification by our class/function then after that we will use the SKlean MultinomialNB.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
from collections import defaultdict
import re
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
C:\Users\Toto\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\ UserWarning: A NumPy version >=1.16.5 and <1.23.0 is required for this version of SciPy (detected version 1.23.1
  warnings.warn(f"A NumPy version >={np_minversion} and <{np_maxversion}"

Creating Class and Functions

In [2]:
class NaiveBayes:
    def __init__(self,unique_classes):
        self.classes=unique_classes # Constructor is sinply passed with unique number of classes of the training set

    def addToBow(self,example,dict_index):
            1. example 
            2. dict_index - implies to which BoW category this example belongs to
            What the function does?
            It simply splits the example on the basis of space as a tokenizer and adds every tokenized word to
            its corresponding dictionary/BoW
        if isinstance(example,np.ndarray): example=example[0]
        for token_word in example.split(): #for every word in preprocessed example
            self.bow_dicts[dict_index][token_word]+=1 #increment in its count
    def train(self,dataset,labels):
            1. dataset - shape = (m X d)
            2. labels - shape = (m,)
            What the function does?
            This is the training function which will train the Naive Bayes Model i.e compute a BoW for each
        self.bow_dicts=np.array([defaultdict(lambda:0) for index in range(self.classes.shape[0])])
        #only convert to numpy arrays if initially not passed as numpy arrays - else its a useless recomputation
        if not isinstance(self.examples,np.ndarray): self.examples=np.array(self.examples)
        if not isinstance(self.labels,np.ndarray): self.labels=np.array(self.labels)
        #constructing BoW for each category
        for cat_index,cat in enumerate(self.classes):
            all_cat_examples=self.examples[self.labels==cat] #filter all examples of category == cat
            #get examples preprocessed
            cleaned_examples=[preprocess_string(cat_example) for cat_example in all_cat_examples]
            #now costruct BoW of this particular category
            Although we are done with the training of Naive Bayes Model BUT!!!!!!
            Remember The Test Time Forumla ? : {for each word w [ count(w|c)+1 ] / [ count(c) + |V| + 1 ] } * p(c)
            We are done with constructing of BoW for each category. But we need to precompute a few 
            other calculations at training time too:
            1. prior probability of each class - p(c)
            2. vocabulary |V| 
            3. denominator value of each class - [ count(c) + |V| + 1 ] 
            Reason for doing this precomputing calculations stuff ???
            We can do all these 3 calculations at test time too BUT doing so means to re-compute these 
            again and again every time the test function will be called - this would significantly
            increase the computation time especially when we have a lot of test examples to classify!!!).  
            And moreover, it doensot make sense to repeatedly compute the same thing - 
            why do extra computations ???
            So we will precompute all of them & use them during test time to speed up predictions.
        for cat_index,cat in enumerate(self.classes):
            #Calculating prior probability p(c) for each class
            #Calculating total counts of all the words of each class 
            cat_word_counts[cat_index]=np.sum(np.array(list(self.bow_dicts[cat_index].values())))+1 # |v| is remaining to be added
            #get all words of this category                                
        #combine all words of every category & make them unique to get vocabulary -V- of entire training set
        #computing denominator value                                      
        denoms=np.array([cat_word_counts[cat_index]+self.vocab_length+1 for cat_index,cat in enumerate(self.classes)])                                                                          
            Now that we have everything precomputed as well, its better to organize everything in a tuple 
            rather than to have a separate list for every thing.
            Every element of self.cats_info has a tuple of values
            Each tuple has a dict at index 0, prior probability at index 1, denominator value at index 2
        self.cats_info=[(self.bow_dicts[cat_index],prob_classes[cat_index],denoms[cat_index]) for cat_index,cat in enumerate(self.classes)]                               
    def getExampleProb(self,test_example):                                
            1. a single test example 
            What the function does?
            Function that estimates posterior probability of the given test example
            probability of test example in ALL CLASSES
        likelihood_prob=np.zeros(self.classes.shape[0]) #to store probability w.r.t each class
        #finding probability w.r.t each class of the given test example
        for cat_index,cat in enumerate(self.classes): 
            for test_token in test_example.split(): #split the test example and get p of each test word
                #This loop computes : for each word w [ count(w|c)+1 ] / [ count(c) + |V| + 1 ]                               
                #get total count of this test token from it's respective training dict to get numerator value                           
                #now get likelihood of this test_token word                              
                #remember why taking log? To prevent underflow!
        # we have likelihood estimate of the given example against every class but we need posterior probility
        for cat_index,cat in enumerate(self.classes):
        return post_prob
    def test(self,test_set):
            1. A complete test set of shape (m,)
            What the function does?
            Determines probability of each test example against all classes and predicts the label
            against which the class probability is maximum
            Predictions of test examples - A single prediction against every test example
        predictions=[] #to store prediction of each test example
        for example in test_set: 
            #preprocess the test example the same way we did for training set exampels                                  
            #simply get the posterior probability of every example                                  
            post_prob=self.getExampleProb(cleaned_example) #get prob of this example for both classes
            #simply pick the max value and map against self.classes!
        return np.array(predictions) 
In [3]:
def preprocess_string(str_arg):
        str_arg: example string to be preprocessed
        What the function does?
        Preprocess the string argument - str_arg - such that :
        1. everything apart from letters is excluded
        2. multiple spaces are replaced by single space
        3. str_arg is converted to lower case 
        Input :  Menu is absolutely perfect,loved it!
        Output:  menu is absolutely perfect loved it
        Preprocessed string 
    cleaned_str=re.sub('[^a-z\s]+',' ',str_arg,flags=re.IGNORECASE) #every char except alphabets is replaced
    cleaned_str=re.sub('(\s+)',' ',cleaned_str) #multiple spaces are replaced by single space
    cleaned_str=cleaned_str.lower() #converting the cleaned string to lower case
    return cleaned_str # returning the preprocessed string 
In [4]:
df = pd.read_csv('nb.csv')
training samples labels
0 This product is awEsome so good loved it will… positive
1 a really good value for the money loved loved … positive
2 So terrible experience go away so terrible bad… negative
3 Stupid! product hate it very much negative
4 Very nice positive
5 Worth of Money positive
6 Super delicious positive
7 I want more positive
8 Do you wanna be a snowman positive
9 I hate this product negative
In [5]:
# cleaning data
df['training_clean'] = [preprocess_string(train_str) for train_str in df['training samples']]
training samples labels training_clean
0 This product is awEsome so good loved it will… positive this product is awesome so good loved it will …
1 a really good value for the money loved loved … positive a really good value for the money loved loved …
2 So terrible experience go away so terrible bad… negative so terrible experience go away so terrible bad…
3 Stupid! product hate it very much negative stupid product hate it very much
4 Very nice positive very nice
5 Worth of Money positive worth of money
6 Super delicious positive super delicious
7 I want more positive i want more
8 Do you wanna be a snowman positive do you wanna be a snowman
9 I hate this product negative i hate this product
In [6]:
# define x and y
x = df['training_clean'].values
y = df['labels'].values
In [7]:
# split data
train_data,test_data,train_labels,test_labels = train_test_split(x,y,
In [8]:
# naive bayes instance
In [9]:
# train data
# nb.train will also do words cleaning 
nb.train(train_data, train_labels)


In [10]:
# prediction of our x_test samples
predict_labels = nb.test(test_data)
['i hate this product' 'super delicious']
array(['positive', 'positive'], dtype='<U8')
In [11]:
# True value
array(['negative', 'positive'], dtype=object)
In [12]:
accuracy = np.sum(predict_labels == test_labels) / float(test_labels.shape[0])

Wow! We got 50% accuracy. haaha, thats because we only have two training data/testing labels

Let’s try some random comments:

In [13]:
comment1 = ['perfect for all ages, so good will buy again']
comment2 = ['this is so awesome yeheey']
comment3 = ['bad advertisement annoying']
In [17]:
# Note:
# nb.test will automatically clean our data, remove unnecessary charactes and convert to lowercase.

# comment1
predict_labels = nb.test(comment1)
print(comment1 + list(predict_labels))

# comment2
predict_labels2 = nb.test(comment2)
print(comment2 + list(predict_labels2))

# comment3
predict_labels3 = nb.test(comment3)
print(comment3 + list(predict_labels3))
['perfect for all ages, so good will buy again', 'positive']
['this is so awesome yeheey', 'positive']
['bad advertisement annoying', 'negative']

Despite of a very limited vocabulary, our model predicted our samples correctly. Now let’s do this in a larger dataset. SKlearn has a build-in dataset named fetch_20newsgroups and also theres is a Bag of words from kaggle. We can use this datasets to train our model for predicting reviews and comments.

Let’s Try in a Bigger Dataset

Data Soure: Kaggle Bag of Words


  • 0 = Bad
  • 1 = Good
In [18]:
df = pd.read_csv('labeledTrainData.tsv',sep='\t')
In [19]:
(25000, 3)
id sentiment review
0 5814_8 1 With all this stuff going down at the moment w…
1 2381_9 1 \The Classic War of the Worlds\” by Timothy Hi…
2 7759_3 0 The film starts with a manager (Nicholas Bell)…
3 3630_4 0 It must be assumed that those who praised this…
4 9495_8 1 Superbly trashy and wondrously unpretentious 8…
In [20]:
# Define X and y
y = df.sentiment.values
X =
In [21]:
# Split data
labels = np.unique(train_labels)
In [22]:
# training data
nb = NaiveBayes(labels)

# nb.train will do the words cleaning for us
In [23]:
# Testing
# prediction for test_data (sometime set as x_test)
y_predict = nb.test(test_data)
# prediction vs. true labels (test_labels sometime set as y_test)
accuracy = np.sum(y_predict == test_labels)/float(test_labels.shape[0])

We got 84% accuracy. Let’s test again our comments

In [24]:
comment1_predict = nb.test(comment1)
comment2_predict = nb.test(comment2)
comment3_predict = nb.test(comment3)
print(comment1 + list(comment1_predict))
print(comment2 + list(comment2_predict))
print(comment3 + list(comment3_predict))
['perfect for all ages, so good will buy again', 1]
['this is so awesome yeheey', 1]
['bad advertisement annoying', 0]

Using Sklearn

Define X and y

In [25]:
y = df.sentiment.values
X =

Cleaning data

In [26]:
X =[preprocess_string(train_str) for train_str in X]

#uncomment to view sample of cleaned reviews 
# X[0]

Split data

In [27]:

Tranforming the train and test data to a MultinomialNB readable format.

Train data

In [29]:
# instantiate it's object
count_vect = CountVectorizer()
In [30]:
# do the computation then transform to a Naive Bayes readable format
train_data_counter = count_vect.fit_transform(train_data) 

Test data

In [31]:
# transforms only 'NOT FIT_TRANSFORM'
# we are doing the computation on the training data thus that will be using by our model learn,
# testing data are used for evaluation only but need to transform to the same format.
test_data_counter = count_vect.transform(test_data) 


In [32]:
# simply instantiate a Multinomial Naive Bayes object
clf = MultinomialNB() 
In [33]:
#calling the fit method to train the train_data_counter and train_labels, train_labels) 
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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In [34]:
# using the test_data_counter (transformed test_data to a clf readable format)
y_predict = clf.predict(test_data_counter) 
In [35]:
array([1, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1], dtype=int64)
In [36]:
# Different scoring code, same result
print(clf.score(test_data_counter, test_labels))
print (np.sum(y_predict == test_labels)/float(len(test_labels))) 


In [39]:
# Tranform first our comments, assuming that comments are already cleaned
c1 = count_vect.transform(comment1) 
c2 = count_vect.transform(comment2) 
c3 = count_vect.transform(comment3) 
print(comment1 + list(clf.predict(c1)))
print(comment2 + list(clf.predict(c2)))
print(comment3 + list(clf.predict(c3)))
['perfect for all ages, so good will buy again', 1]
['this is so awesome yeheey', 1]
['bad advertisement annoying', 0]
  • fin

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