Garments Production (Work in Progress)

2Garments_worker-Copy1 Garments Production¶This dataset includes important attributes of the garment manufacturing process and the productivity of the employees which had been collected manually and also been validated by the industry…

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STARTUP Company Analysis

2Garments_worker-Copy1 Work in Progress...¶ Garments Production¶ Attribute Information: date : Date in MM-DD-YYYY day : Day of the Week quarter : A portion of the month. A month was divided…

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Neural Network Regression

1_regression Work In Progress...¶ Neural Network (Regression)¶Predicting Medical Insurance Costs Data Source: Medical Insurance Project Goal: We would like to predict the individual medical costs (charges) given the rest of…

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Neural Network Classification

2_Binary classification Classification¶Survival prediction of patients with heart failure. Data Source: Heart Failure In this project, we will use a dataset from Kaggle to predict the survival of patients with…

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Naive Bayes

Naive Bayes. Classification Naive Bayes Classification¶Naive Bayes is one of the most common ML algorithms that is often used for the purpose of text classification My sister is working as…

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Support Vector Machine

Support_Vector_Machine Support Vertor Machine¶Artificial Intellegence About the datasoure: pybaseball is a Python package for baseball data analysis. This package scrapes Baseball Reference, Baseball Savant, and FanGraphs so you don't have…

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Linear Regression

Linear_Regression Linear Regression¶Salary Prediction Data source: Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) Tennis Ace¶ Project Goals Create a linear regression model that predicts the earnings of tennis players based on their…

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Logistic Regression

Logistic_Regression Logistic Regression¶Classification for obesity. Data source: Obesity survey based on eating habits In this project, We will analyze data from a survey conducted by Fabio Mendoza Palechor and Alexis…

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Ridge and Lasso

Ridge_and_Lasso Ridge and Lasso¶Why Regularized? Ridge and Lasso are regularization technique use to minimize model overffitng and prevent bias predictions. Having the training dataset score very well but performs significantly…

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Decision Tree/Random Forest

Decision_Tree Decision Tree¶Admission to masters’ degree programs (likely or unlikely?) Data Source: Admission to Master's Degree About the Project: A classification prediction model(Desicion Tree) that will help students in shortlisting…

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