Support Vector Machine


Support Vertor Machine

Artificial Intellegence


About the datasoure:

pybaseball is a Python package for baseball data analysis. This package scrapes Baseball Reference, Baseball Savant, and FanGraphs so you don’t have to. The package retrieves statcast data, pitching stats, batting stats, division standings/team records, awards data, and more. Data is available at the individual pitch level, as well as aggregated at the season level and over custom time periods.

github link: pybaseball

Project Goal:

  1. Create a Support Vector Machine model that will predict the game outcome if strike or ball based on playing habits.


  1. Import and Load Libraries/Dataset
  2. Defining Features and Label
  3. SVM
  4. Model Evaluation
  5. Parameter Optimization
  6. Optimized SVM
  7. Model Test Run

1. Import and Load Libraries/Dataset

In [1]:
from pybaseball import statcast, playerid_lookup, statcast_pitcher, pitching_stats
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import warnings

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
C:\Users\Toto\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\ UserWarning: A NumPy version >=1.16.5 and <1.23.0 is required for this version of SciPy (detected version 1.23.1
  warnings.warn(f"A NumPy version >={np_minversion} and <{np_maxversion}"

Let’s extract some baseball player informartion

In [2]:
# look for player name `Kershaw Clayton`
playerid_lookup('kershaw', 'clayton')
Gathering player lookup table. This may take a moment.
name_last name_first key_mlbam key_retro key_bbref key_fangraphs mlb_played_first mlb_played_last
0 kershaw clayton 477132 kersc001 kershcl01 2036 2008.0 2022.0
In [3]:
# We were interested in his gamestats specificaly the year 2015-2016
# saving his game statistic in a variable df
df = statcast_pitcher('2015-01-01', '2016-01-01', 477132)
Gathering Player Data
In [4]:
# show data
(3810, 92)
pitch_type game_date release_speed release_pos_x release_pos_z player_name batter pitcher events description spin_dir spin_rate_deprecated break_angle_deprecated break_length_deprecated zone des game_type stand p_throws home_team away_team type hit_location bb_type balls strikes game_year pfx_x pfx_z plate_x plate_z on_3b on_2b on_1b outs_when_up inning inning_topbot hc_x hc_y tfs_deprecated tfs_zulu_deprecated fielder_2 umpire sv_id vx0 vy0 vz0 ax ay az sz_top sz_bot hit_distance_sc launch_speed launch_angle effective_speed release_spin_rate release_extension game_pk pitcher.1 fielder_2.1 fielder_3 fielder_4 fielder_5 fielder_6 fielder_7 fielder_8 fielder_9 release_pos_y estimated_ba_using_speedangle estimated_woba_using_speedangle woba_value woba_denom babip_value iso_value launch_speed_angle at_bat_number pitch_number pitch_name home_score away_score bat_score fld_score post_away_score post_home_score post_bat_score post_fld_score if_fielding_alignment of_fielding_alignment spin_axis delta_home_win_exp delta_run_exp
0 SL 2015-10-13 90.4 1.3 6.16 Kershaw, Clayton 527038 477132 field_out hit_into_play NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.0 Wilmer Flores grounds out, third baseman Justi… D R L NYM LAD X 5.0 ground_ball 2 0 2015 -0.66 0.45 -0.59 1.41 NaN NaN 493316.0 2 7 Bot 107.98 166.28 NaN NaN 454560 NaN 151013_221554 -3.61 -131.5 -6.66 -6.6 30.23 -29.1 3.56 1.62 45.0 103.4 1.0 89.7 2402.0 6.3 446254 477132 454560 408236 435062 457759 608369 444843 571771 624577 50.0 0.5 0.468 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 54 3 Slider 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 Standard Strategic NaN -0.038 -0.297

2. Defining Features and Label

Determine our label (y)

We’re interested in looking at whether a ‘strike’ or a ‘ball’. That information is stored in the type feature. Let’s Look at the unique values stored in the type feature to get a sense of how balls and strikes are recorded.

In [5]:
array(['X', 'B', 'S'], dtype=object)

Note: About Strike and Ball


  • Pitcher throw the ball into the strike zone and the batter did’nt swing.
  • Pitcher throw the ball and the batter swing but didnt hit the ball. Does’nt matter if the ball is in strike zone or not.
  • 3 strike then the batter is out.


  • Pitcher throw the ball outside the strike zone and the batter didnt swing.
  • 4 ball then the batter will go on the 1st base.

Reference: baseball rules video

We know every row’s type feature is either an ‘S’ for a strike, a ‘B’ for a ball, or an ‘X’ for neither (for example, an ‘X’ could be a hit or an out).

We’ll want to use this feature as the label of our data points. However, instead of using strings,
it will be easier if we change every ‘S’ to a 1 and every ‘B’ to a 0. We can change the values of a DataFrame column using the map() functions.

In [6]:
df['type'] = df['type'].map({'S':1, 'B':0})
array([nan,  0.,  1.])

We will deal with the Nan value later, first let’s check the proportion and balance of our label values.

In [7]:
# count of 1 and 0 in type
# 1 is strike and 0 is ball
1.0    1969
0.0    1213
Name: type, dtype: int64

There are 1969(around 60%) strikes and 1213(around 40%) balls. This distribution of strike and balls are pretty well balance.

Determine our features (X)

We want to predict whether a pitch is a ball or a strike based on its location over the plate. We can find the ball’s location in the columns plate_x and plate_z.


  • plate_x: Measures how far left or right the pitch is from the center of home plate. If plate_x = 0, that means the pitch was directly in the middle of the home plate.
  • plate_z: Measures how high off the ground the pitch was. If plate_z = 0, that means the pitch was at ground level when it got to the home plate

For the sake of this project we will focus only building our SVM model though it may be better to do a PCA and other feature selection methods, we will save that task in some other time.

Let’s check and drop null values on our selected columns(plate_x, plate_z, and type). Our SVM won’t accept any null values.

In [8]:
# number of null values
df[['plate_x', 'plate_z', 'type']].isna().sum()
plate_x    106
plate_z    106
type       628
dtype: int64
In [9]:
# proportion of null values
df[['plate_x', 'plate_z', 'type']].isna().sum() / len(df)
plate_x    0.027822
plate_z    0.027822
type       0.164829
dtype: float64
In [10]:
# remove every row that has a NaN in any of these columns and save result into a new dataset.
df_new = df.dropna(subset = ['plate_x', 'plate_z', 'type'])
In [11]:
# verify df_new 
# proportion of null values
df_new[['plate_x', 'plate_z', 'type']].isna().sum() / len(df)
plate_x    0.0
plate_z    0.0
type       0.0
dtype: float64


In [12]:
sns.scatterplot(df['plate_x'], df['plate_z'], hue = df['type'], palette=['blue', 'red'], alpha = 0.5)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x15be5a66100>

We can see from the graph that the srike zone are mostly on the centers of the radius while balls are within the eadge area.

3. SVM

In [13]:
X = df_new[['plate_x', 'plate_z']]
y = df_new['type']
In [14]:
# Split data to training and testing dataset
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,  test_size = 0.33, random_state = 0)

We will not perform normalization for this SVM Model, thats because we want the true value of our features to represent the location of the baseball ball in the plate x and z coordinate. Also because plate x and z are on the same unit of measurement so there will be no defference in scaling.

In [15]:
clf_svc = SVC(random_state = 0), y_train)
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In [16]:
sns.scatterplot(x_train.plate_x, x_train.plate_z, hue = df['type'], palette=['blue', 'red'], alpha = 0.5)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='plate_x', ylabel='plate_z'>

4. Model Evaluation

In [17]:
# Accuracy score
print(clf_svc.score(x_train, y_train))
print(clf_svc.score(x_test, y_test))

Confusion Matrix

In [18]:
# x_test prediction values
y_pred = clf_svc.predict(x_test)
In [19]:
model_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
array([[280, 118],
       [ 96, 535]], dtype=int64)


In [20]:
# code
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

# setting variables
group_names = ['True Neg','False Pos','False Neg','True Pos']
group_counts = ['{0:0.0f}'.format(value) for value in model_matrix.flatten()]
group_percentages = ['{0:.2%}'.format(value) for value in model_matrix.flatten()/np.sum(model_matrix)]
labels = [f'{v1}\n{v2}\n{v3}' for v1, v2, v3 in zip(group_names,group_counts,group_percentages)]
labels = np.asarray(labels).reshape(2,2)

sns.heatmap(model_matrix, annot=labels, fmt='', cmap='Purples')

5. Parameter Optimization

Find the best ‘gamma’ and ‘C’ using GridSearvhCV.

In [21]:
grid_params = [{'gamma': ['scale',1, .1, .001, .0001],
               'C':     [0.5, 1, 10, 100] # Value for C must be > 0

# Note:
# C default value is 1
# gamma default value is 'scale'
In [22]:
gs = GridSearchCV(estimator = clf_svc, 
                  param_grid = grid_params, 
                  scoring = 'accuracy',
                  cv = 5, )
In [23]:, y_train)
GridSearchCV(cv=5, estimator=SVC(random_state=0),
             param_grid=[{'C': [0.5, 1, 10, 100],
                          'gamma': ['scale', 1, 0.1, 0.001, 0.0001]}],
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Show best parameter and score

In [24]:
print(gs.best_params_, gs.best_score_)
{'C': 0.5, 'gamma': 'scale'} 0.8141808084632773

6. Optimized SVM

In [25]:
clf_svc = SVC(random_state = 0, C = 0.5, gamma = 'scale'), y_train)
SVC(C=0.5, random_state=0)
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In [26]:
print(clf_svc.score(x_train, y_train))
print(clf_svc.score(x_test, y_test))
In [27]:
model_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
# code
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

# setting variables
group_names = ['True Neg','False Pos','False Neg','True Pos']
group_counts = ['{0:0.0f}'.format(value) for value in model_matrix.flatten()]
group_percentages = ['{0:.2%}'.format(value) for value in model_matrix.flatten()/np.sum(model_matrix)]
labels = [f'{v1}\n{v2}\n{v3}' for v1, v2, v3 in zip(group_names,group_counts,group_percentages)]
labels = np.asarray(labels).reshape(2,2)

sns.heatmap(model_matrix, annot=labels, fmt='', cmap='Purples')

Theres no signicant difference in our scores for our tuned and untuned model.

7. Model Test Run

We can copy values the below data or we can just made up our own. Look at the visualization graph above and think of a coordinate that will result to a strike or a ball.

In [29]:
df_new[['plate_x', 'plate_z', 'type']].head(4)
plate_x plate_z type
1 -0.08 1.02 0.0
2 -0.32 1.41 0.0
5 0.28 2.02 1.0
7 0.52 2.31 1.0
In [30]:
# from index1
Player1 = [[-0.08, 1.02]]

# this cordinate will surely hit s strike!
Player2 = [[0,2.5]]
In [31]:


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